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tv   Hannity  FOX News  September 1, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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i'm megyn kelly and this is "the kelly file" special on weather underground co-founder bill ayers. live from america's news headquarters i'm kelly wright. britain takes aim at home grown terrorism. speaking to parliament tonight prime minister david cameron proposed new laws, they include giving police the power to seize passports from britains suspected of having traveled abroad to fight alongside terror groups. even britain's islamic clerics are ordering would-be jihadists not to take up arms in a plan to discourage extremism. >> that has included stopping the organizations that promote extremism, banning hate creatures and ensuring every part of government from schools and universities to prisons are all focused on beating the scourge of extremism. >> meanwhile here at home the
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white house says president obama is waiting for the pentagon to draw up plans for taking on the islamic state in syria. he leaves tomorrow for a nato conference. stay tuned for a "hannity" special, the rise of islam. welcome to this special edition of "hannity." now for the entire hour we're going to be focusing on the rise of radical islam around the globe and what it means for the safety and security of our homeland. now, recently i had the opportunity to speak with former vice president dick cheney about the dangers that are posed by these islamic extremists. and he explained why the administration needs to wake up and take these terrorist threats very seriously. you know, you said awhile back and a lot of people hemmed and predicted america would likely get hit in the next ten years in a way that was worse than 9/11. did you watch this video?
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>> i've seen -- not the entire video, just the edited version. >> okay. i watched this video. you know, remember the 9/11 commission report conclusion? they are at war with us, we weren't at war with them. after watching this video, i'm pretty convinced we have a group of people at war with us. would you agree with that? >> absolutely, sean. there's no question but with the developments in iraq and syria, the development of a caliphate, that the isis organization in charge is very much a threat to the united states, to our friends and allies not only in the middle east but in europe. and when you see them behead an american reporter as they did today, that's obviously a terrible development. but mag any fi that a million times over because that's what's in store for the rest of the world if we don't deal with this crisis. >> the tide of war is receding,
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gm's alive, bin laden is dead, ft. hood massacre is still referred to officially as workplace violence. here's what the president said in an interview with "the new yorker" about isis. he said, well, the analogy we use around here sometimes and i think that it is accurate that as if a jayvee team puts on laker uniforms that doesn't make them kobe bryant. what part of this is the president missing, mr. vice president? >> i keep wrestling with this question, sean. whether it's naivete or lack of experience or because that's the way he wants things to work. i've just about reached the point where i've concluded what he is discovering fairly late in his administration is that his basic world view is fundamentally flawed, that the world is a mean, nasty place on occasion. that you need a very strong america. you need superior american military forces to deal with it. and i think every single day that goes by he's finding that there's a bigger and bigger gulf
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between his hoped for view of the world and reality. he's not up to speed. and does not want to believe all that's going on out there. but every day we find new evidence that he'd rather be on the golf course than he would be dealing with a crisis that's developing rapidly in the middle east. >> how was your reaction today when the president minutes after he gave that three-minute statement ran off to the golf course to play with alonso morning. what was your reaction to that? >> well, i noticed the reaction of david cameron, the british prime minister, when he found out that the individual who apparently did the beheading was speaking with a british accent. he wanted to immediately leave his vacation spot, head back to london and go to work trying to deal with this -- the problems that that represents. and of course our president headed to the golf course as soon as he made his relatively ineffective statement. >> i would think a more appropriate place might be the situation room. i think a more appropriate place would be the white house. we have all these radical islamic groups, islamic jihad,
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boko haram, hezbollah, hamas, the muslim brotherhood, isis, isil, al qaeda. there are differences, but there seems to be one thing that they all agree on, that is they want to wipe israel off the map. and they also want to destroy the west and advance a caliphate. do you think the president fully understands the danger of radical islam? and what do you think the danger is if you can explain it in your own words? >> well, i think the danger's enormous. i don't think the president understands it. i look at things like the rand report that was published a couple months ago that talked about a 58% increase in the number of jihadist groups around the world over a three-year period of time. i look at the statements by general flynn who is just stepping down as director of the defense intelligence agency. says over a ten-year period of time there's been a doubling of the terrorist threat in that part of the world. the intelligence is there for all to see. there's no question about what's
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happening. but to this president and the people around him refuse to recognize it and certainly refuse to deal with it. the damage that is being done, as we talk tonight sean, to the american military, is enormous. they're taking our army down below levels we haven't seen since pearl harbor. they've made major reductions in the air force and navy. there was a recent excellence study done by a commission, a bipartisan commission, republican and democrat alike, studying the long-term trends of the defense budget that basically concludes there's no way under current circumstances we can execute the national strategy. so it's a train wreck. and there's one more train wreck every day. it's hard to believe that this president is as ineffective as he clearly is. >> mr. vice president, we have seen the rise of isis, isil, throughout the region from syria. we lost 4,000 americans in the iraq war. city after city that they fried
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and albeit it wasn't a perfect democracy, but they were an ally and emerging democracy in iraq prior to the administration coming into power. there seems to be two issues that are the foundation for the situation now. one was when the president drew the red line in the sand with syria and did nothing after they used chemical weapons. and also, the president pulling out training and intelligence for the iraqi forces. my question to you, did isis gain control of these areas of syria now surrounding baghdad? is this all a result of the president's bad policy? the naivete you discuss? >> well, i think that's part of the it. i think he has managed in so many different ways to be ineffective when he responds, to draw the red line in the sand and then never respond to it to make threats and never act. it's reached the point where i think around the world people, other leaders see him as weak
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and ineffective. we've seen it in terms of putin's actions in krim kcrimea ukraine. we see what china's doing in the south china sea. there's no question he's viewed as perhaps the weakest president of my lifetime and he doesn't have a clue about what needs to be done. and he is viscerally opposed to the use of military force. we have a bipartisan agreement, consensus if you will, republican and democrat, since the end of world war ii that the world's a safer place when the united states is actively and aggressively leading, when we have a strong military and we provide the kind of leadership that the world needs to deal with these crises. barack obama doesn't believe that. he's the first in a chain of presidents going back to harry truman of either party that simply refuses to recognize the reality of the world we live in. >> i'm not sure america has the appetite. you know, all those cities that americans fought and died for in
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iraq now, isis is controlling many of them. you know, what should be done if the country doesn't have an appetite for war? and i want your answer viewed through the prism that you think something horrific is likely to happen, worse than 9/11, in the next ten years. >> well, i think the question of lack of desire for war, i think that's a general proposition for the american people. we're basically peaceful democratically elected governments. we periodically have to use military force. and you've got to explain to the american people why that's necessary, what the dangers are, what the objects are, what the objectives are. that's leadership. barack obama's not providing it. of course it's difficult to persuade the american people that we ought to send our sons and daughters off to fight a war. but sometimes it's absolutely necessary. and that's why we have presidents. and that's why they have the authority as commander in chief to make those decisions and why
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those of us who are involved need to do everything we can to support them and support our troops in the field. now, is there a great threat coming? absolutely. remember what happened on 9/11 when 19 guys armed with airline tickets and box cutters came here and killed 3,000 of us, took down the world trade center, blew a big hole in the pentagon. i'm absolutely certain that some day there will be another mass casualty attack against the united states, only next time they'll have far deadlier weapons. >> let me ask you this, you have the president of the united states and now you know if you respond to isis that another american, another video like the one that i watched today, will be coming out. how specifically do you handle that? i don't think you're going to find the answer on the golf course, by the way. but you know that if you respond militarily that another video with another american being decapitated is going to come out. i would want to talk to all the best, brightest, smartest people in the country before i made my
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decision. i don't think it's -- i like alonso morning, he's a great player. but i don't think he's the guy who should be giving advice to the president on this. >> yeah. but, sean, with all due respect, it's a tragedy when someone dies like that. no question about it. but that's not the issue. they're trying to use terror, obviously acts of terror, against us. especially against the press. in order to try to force us to change our behavior or to dominate that part of the world. the issue is whether or not we're going to allow them to succeed in their basic fundamental objective, achieving a caliphate, true caliphate representative of the kind of thing we saw centuries ago in the middle east and follow their ideology which calls not only for the destruction of israel but also the united states. pull ourselves up by our boot straps and get on with the business of destroying isis or are we simply going to sit back and agonize every time they commit another outrageous act?
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>> i want to play for you cia director john brennan in 2011. he said the idea of a caliphate's absurd. i want to play this for you. >> our strategy is also shaped by a deeper understanding of al qaeda's goals, strategy and tactics that we have gained over the last decade. i'm not talking about al qaeda's grandiose vision of global domination through a violent islamic caliphate. that vision is absurd. and we are not going to organize our counterterrorism policies against a feckless delusion that is never going to happen. we are not going to elevate these thugs and their murderous aspirations into something larger than they are. >> it sounds like a pre-9/11 mentality to me. how do you answer what he said as israel got hit with 175 rockets in the last 24 hours. are they pushing for a caliphate there? >> i think it's really disturbing as i listen to that is that it shows a man who clearly refuses to recognize
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what has to be crossing his desk as the latest intelligence. he can read the rand, the study report. he can listen to what the director of the dia says, the defense intelligence agency, about a doubling in the size of the terrorist organizations they're after. he can look at what has happened over the course of the last few weeks as isis has moved into and now controls the eastern part of syria and the northern part of iraq. with a man like that advising the president as director of intelligence, it's no wonder the president doesn't understand what's going on out there. >> how do you view the treatment of israel? >> well, i think the treatment of israel -- i think there are a lot of nations in that part of the world that deserve to have strong u.s. support. and israel obviously is right there at the top of the list. but that's true also of the jordanians and saudis and emirates and egyptians. what egypt has done by way of overthrowing the muslim brotherhood is a master stroke. and we've now got a good man as
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president of egypt capable of military, a good military, and we ought to be backing the egyptians to the hill. so there are a lot of things we could be doing including working with the israelis to take on the terrorists, the islamists, the jihadists in that part of the world. it's in our interest to do so. it's not an act of charity. it's our danger that's threatened. we're the ones that are going to get hit with the next mass casualty attack that potentially kills hundreds of thousands of americans. >> mr. vice president, appreciate your insight. appreciate your time tonight. >> thank you, sean. thanks for covering it. and coming up, he's never one to mince words. the great one, mark levine, he has a special mess ablg for the obama white house. that and more as this special edition of "hannity," the rise of radical islam, continues. stay with us. ical islam continu. stay with us. h. heartburn. did someone say burn?
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with his golf game to care. i recently sat down with one of the administration's most vocal critics, the great one, we call him mark levine, listen in. mark, isis has acquired more land, they have more money, they have more fire power, they are more brutal, evil and ruthless than even al qaeda, if you can imagine. they said to the united states we will see you in new york. we saw what they did to this photo journalist. they said they'll want to raise the flag of islam in our white house. what do you make of the president's reaction or lack tlo thereof? it seems to me this is a situation where they have declared war against us. >> i want the american people to understand something, sean. the commander in chief, and we only have one, and he's the president of the united states and his name is barack obama. and these cockroaches organized, funded themselves, built a
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forceful military, started conquering geographic areas all around the world under his nose. he ignored it. he did nothing about it. he didn't talk to the american people about it. as a matter of fact, he downplayed it. this is one of the worst military national security screw ups in modern american history. and he's still screwing up. has he rallied the american people? has he spoken to congress? has he asked for a declaration of war or at least a joint resolution to fund an aggressive offensive attack against these cockroaches? no, he hasn't. we're dealing with a very peculiar petulant man who operates with a few advisors around him. a man who really needs as much counselling and expertise as he can get given his very thin resume in experience record. this is what's going on. i'm going to tell you something else because you've brought up a number of issues here. if this president thinks that by
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changing the word treaty to accord or treaty to deal that he can violate article 2, section 2, clause 2 of the united states constitution which involves the essential rights of the union, that's what governor morris, delegate to the constitutional convention, said on september 8, 1787. this treaty process involves essential rights of the union. then this is number 1200 example of a lawless imperial president. this treaty process they debated at length. they said, no, they don't want the house of representatives involved. they want the senate involved. do you know why? because they wanted the states involved in issues of sovereignty involving america. well, that was blown away with the 17th amendment, but still there has never been a debate ever that the senate has the right under our constitution -- >> let me ask you -- >> -- to ratify treaties. >> agreed. and i would agree they're
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bypassing. i think they think they're being very clever, but this is not unusual. welfare have not been enforced. he didn't get h immigration bill, they didn't enforce immigration laws in the country. same with health care. they make changes to health care, they don't go back to congress. we have co-equal branches of government, separation of powers. he makes recess appointments, no recess. there are three issues on the table now where this president may dictate and not go to congress. air strikes in syria, is one. immigration and possibly given amnesty to as many as 6 million people. and now this climate change issue. how should republicans deal with this? >> i don't know how these republicans should deal with this. i've been arguing for a long time that the leadership is impotent and need more leaders with courage to stand up to this president. but i do want to say this again to the american people. we're living increasingly in a post constitutional period. this president is destroying the united states congress with the help of his party, with the help of harry reid in the senate, whether it's the filibuster
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rule, whether it's treaties or what have you. we've never seen anything like this in american history. even franklin roosevelt's vice president objected, the former speaker of the house, when he tried to pack the supreme court. we do not have these ethical leading democrats anymore who are standing up to this president. this president does not want to work with congress. he does not want to rally the american people. he wants to go it alone. he's incapable of going it alone. he's doing enormous damage to this country. he's e vis rating what's left of the constitution. and let me be very clear about this, he is attacking american sovereignty. with this u.n. deal that they're talking about, with the open borders and the executive fiat that he's talking about, these are all efforts to destroy american sovereignty by barack obama. >> i agree with your -- and you wrote this in one of your books. it's a post-constitutional america chrks is a pretty frightening thought if you stand back and listen to the things that you're saying.
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it's pretty frightening. and i think he's taken this further than anybody. i don't think there's any disagreement. i know the republicans in the house going forward with the lawsuit, there is the power of the purse. the one senator that tried to do something about health care using the power of the purse was senator ted cruz. isn't that the one thing, the one weapon that they can use where they have constitutional authority if in fact they want to combat some of these things the president's trying? >> it's a power if they use it. if they don't use it, it's just words on a piece of parchment. the fact of the matter is within weeks of becoming speaker of the house john boehner surrendered it. when he came to that continuing resolution, he said he's not going to shut down the government. great. don't shut it down. but do you have to announce it to your adversary on the other side of pennsylvania avenue? government's been shut down 20 times, i don't see where it's done enormous damage. but that said even paul ryan coming on saying it was a disaster, disaster. so what they've done is they
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have surrendered their power. okay, impeachment we can't talk about i the power of the purse they're not going to exercise. what the hell's left? i mean, if they're not going to act like congress, then congress is going to be destroyed. let me be clear mr. boehner and mr. mcconnell and the republicans, he is destroying congress. and the senate has been e visor ated and none of you guys have the guts to stand up and tell the american people over and over again who he is and what he's doing. >> well-said. mark levin, thanks for being with us. despite multiple mass executions and beheading of mernl journalist james foley, some still question if isis poses a clear and present danger to the homeland of the united states. coming up next, former director of the central intelligence agency james woolsy reacts. that and more as we continue this special edition, the rise of radical islam, continues.
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"hannity" special. for the latest headlines log onto and welcome back to welcome back to this special edition of "hannity," the rise of radical islam. despite the beheading of james foley alt the hands of isis and many saying radical militants pose a threat to our homeland. joint chiefs of staff general dempsey won't recommend air
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strikes against isis in syria just yet. that's a far cry from what people like former cia director mike morell has been saying about isis. take a look. >> i think there's three things we have to worry about. two are short-term, one is long-term. the two short-term pieces are, number one, will they inspire somebody here to conduct an attack? the second is there's a number of americans, a number of canadians and a number of west europeans who went to syria to join isis so fight with them. any one of those could be directed back at the united states to conduct a small scale attack. over the long-term, two and a half, three years, we need to worry about a 9/11-style attack by isis. >> here with reaction is former director of the cia, ambassador james woolsy is with us. >> good to be with you. >> who do you tend to agree with? in fairness i have to say chairman dempsey changed his view a couple of times now. but i tend to agree with morell. who do you agree with? >> oh, definitely. and with the early dempsey.
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these people are not just terrorists. they're much worse than that. they're thee karatic totalitarian genocidal imperialists. they believe god's on their side so fst fine for them to bury you alive or crucify you. they think that they should control everything about you, what you think, what you say, not just what you do. they believe in total control. and they are building an empire with the caliphate. this is not just some random folks who like to blow things up. >> they have more fire power, they have more money, they have more land. they literally are more brutal than even al qaeda, which is almost hard to believe. they're putting people's heads on a stick on a regular basis. they're saying convert or die. what part of that is the administration not getting? i want to use the words of president obama. he said on january 27th the analogy that we use around here,
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and i think it's accurate, that is if a jayvee team puts on a lakers uniform, that doesn't make them kobe bryant. so they've got land mass the size of a country like belgium. they got more fire power and money, what part of this is he not getting? >> they're not just putting on a uniform. i think the administration is acting as if absence of evidence is evidence of absence. and that's not right. even if you don't see the terrorist right now, as general dempsey was sort of implying. they may well be working very hard. and you got to pay attention to their ideology. and i think the administration has great difficulty doing that because this is a branch of islam, it's certainly not all of islam. but you got to pay attention to what they say and what they say motivates them and what they want to do. and these are very dangerous people. >> i agree with you. let me go back to 2011, cia
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director john brennan. he talks about this caliphate and how he says the idea of an islamic caliphate's absurd, a feckless delusion that's never going to happen. i want your reaction to what he said. this is all prior to isis in syria and iraq. >> our strategy is also shaped by a deeper understanding of al qaeda's goals, strategy and tactics that we have gained over the last decade. i'm not talking about al qaeda's grandiose vision of domination through a violent caliphate. that vision is absurd and we're not going to organize our counterterrorism policies against a feckless delusion that is never going to happen. we are not going to elevate these thugs and their murderous aspirations into something larger than they are. >> i actually believe radical islamists that say they want a worldwide caliphate. he said that actually prior to what happened in syria. and he said that prior to all these cities being taken over by
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isis in iraq. what's your reaction? don't you think that the threat of a caliphate by the radical islamists is real? >> certainly. and i think those were ill-chosen words. we really have to pay attention to these totalitarian movements. and this one, you know, it doesn't matter that they haven't yet achieved the conquest of an empire. hitler wanted a thousand-year and he got a long way there. and he wanted to kill all the jews and succeeded in killing a very large number. just because someone hasn't yet achieved a big terrible objective doesn't mean that he's not going to try. >> let me ask you, when you look at all of these groups, i use the term they seem to be like the modern day nazis. for example, they want a modern day holocaust. i'm talking about islamic jihad, hamas and hezbollah, the muslim brotherhood, boko haram, al
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qaeda, isis, isil, they all seem to have one common denominator. and that is they want to wipe israel off the map. they want the advancement of islam, radical islam. and they hate the west. so there is a common denominator, beit sunni or shia. there is one thread that runs through what their goal is. >> i think that's right. and i also think that it's important that both the nazis and the communists were totalitarian dictators. the nazis terrible racists also. but they didn't have a religious underpinning to what they're doing. sometimes you can be led as an individual to do the craziest things by people telling you that it's god's will. and that's what the isis is being told. they're being told -- >> so you're saying that they're a bigger threat -- in other words, you're taking fanaticism, the disdain and goal of a modern
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day holocaust. and if we ever marry it to weapons of mass destruction tharks that ideology, that religious fundamentalism, would push them to probably use it, right? >> i think that's entirely possible. and iran is very, very short distance away from having a nuclear weapon in part because the administration's negotiating stance i think is largely ineffective in cutting them off from doing enrichment. >> all right. sir, thank you for being with us. and coming up next tonight right here on "hannity". >> is hamas a terrorist organization, yes or no? >> let me ask you a question, sir. >> no, you don't answer a question with a question. is hamas -- what part of this can't you get through your thick head. >> my epic showdown with a pro-palestinian supporter. the full interview coming up next. stay with us as this special edition of "hannity" continues straight ahead. [ female announcer ] you get sick, you can't breathe through your nose... suddenly you're a mouth breather. a mouth breather! how do you sleep like that? you dry up, your cold feels even worse.
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live from america's news headquarters, i'm kelly wright. britain calling for action against islamist extremists. david cameron tackling head-on demanding new laws to let police take passports from terrorist suspects and new measures to stop would-be jihadists before they pick up arms. just last week britain attained its second severe level. hundreds of britains and americans are now fighting side-by-side with the extremists. and word late tonight of an american military strike targeting the al shabaab network in somalia. a group aligned with al qaeda. pentagon officials tell us they are still assessing the results of today's operation and will provide additional information later. i'm kelly wright. now back to a "hannity" special, the rise of islam.
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and welcome back to this special edition of "hannity," the rise of radical islam. soon after israel launched its ground invasion into gaza to destroy hamas terror and tunnel network. i invited dr. zuhdi jasser and yousef munayyer. to say things got heated would be an understatement. yousef, let me ask you this. if i fire 1600, 2,000 rockets into your neighborhood, i kidnapped three children in your neighborhood, students, and i kill them. what do you think the proper proportionate response is? >> maybe you should stop the ongoing for decades-long military operation of palestinian territory before you question -- >> take it back to the 1948 partition plan. and we can look at the '67 war, the '73 war and the hostilities
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brought to israel. they did give land for peace nine years ago. now i'm asking you a question, if thousands of rockets are fired in your neighborhood, and kids in your neighborhood are kidnapped, what are you going to do? >> sean -- >> what are you going to do? >> sir, i'm going to try to answer your question if you stop badgering me. thank you. if the united states was invaded by a foreign military and besieged and surrounded, and the food that was coming into the united states was counted by the calories so that people would be put on a diet as the israelis claim -- >> you are -- >> bombs are being dropped -- let me finish. >> no. you're justifying -- >> let me finish. >> no, you are making a rationalization. rockets and kidnapping and murder, and you expect -- you want to blame the victims in this case.
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zuhdi -- >> the only person blaming the victim here is you. >> a cycle -- yousef e we can't continue to explain these things away. for crying out loud it's ramadan, and they continue to send rockets out. who by the way the fbi by matter of policy will not interact with because of the fact they won't condemn hamas as a terrorist organization. and still to this day they will not recognize them because of that. so they just like hitting a softball -- let me finish. hamas launches rockets on innocence, starts a war, war after war, and then they use that to say it's a bigger narrative, it's about the occupation. meanwhile, they have a gender apartheid inside gaza. christians are evacuating because churches are being burned. their doctrine is fascist and genocidal against jews. palestinians aren't represented by hamas, i don't believe. and yet they allow hamas to drive the narrative globally and start wars. >> i want to ask yousef a
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question. is hamas a terrorist organization? >> do i get to actually speak now? >> you get to answer the question. it's a simple yes or no question. is hamas -- >> you invited me on here. sir, you invited me on here -- >> i'm asking you a question. is hamas, whose charter calls for the destruction of israel, is that a terrorist organization? that's a yes or no question. >> thank you for your question. >> now answer it. >> now i will provide an answer. >> finally. >> it's very telling to me -- and it should be telling to your viewers as well by the way, that the moment you have a palestinian voice on your program who begins to explain the legitimate grievances -- >> is hamas a terrorist organization? . answer the question? >> am i a guest on your program? >> you're a guest, but you don't get to filibuster. is hamas a terrorist organization. >> the united states certainly considers hamas a terrorist organization -- >> i didn't ask what the united states thinks. i asked what you think. >> if you think that we are going to have any progress in
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this situation by simply yelling at me -- >> is hamas -- let me ask you nicely. >> let me ask you, sir, a question. >> -- is hamas a terrorist organization? yes or no? you don't answer a question with a question. is hamas -- what part of this can't you get through your thick head? is hamas a terrorist organization? >> excuse me? excuse me? >> yes or no? >> i already answered your question. >> you did not. >> well, this is the problem, yousef, is we cannot -- why is he asking you if it's a terrorist organization? because terrorist organizations use children as shields, launch rockets into civilian populations, start a war that victimizes the poor children that are being killed in this war. and just like when america had to go into afghanistan, had to go into iraq, we saw pictures from cair and other organizations saying america's killing innocence when in fact we were fighting a legitimate war that had unfortunate deaths that happened. and this is about if you want to
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fight -- >> you had your chance. you didn't say hamas is a terrorist organization. good-bye. coming up, we are learning more and more that islamic extremism is not confined to the middle east. coming up next, i go one-on-one with a controversial muslim cleric that lives in london and in the past he's praised 9/11 hijackers and said americans are the biggest criminals in the world today. that next as this special edition of "hannity," the rise of radical islam, continues straight ahead. s charlie.
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nchs wac back to this special edition of "hannity" as we continue to focus on the rise of radical islam, we must point out that this dangerous movement is not just confined to the middle east. europe is seeing a sharp increase in islamic extremism as well. my next guest proves this to be true. i sat down one-on-one with the controversial muslim cleric living in england. do you support isis telling christians, the yazidis in mosul, northern iraq, that they must convert to islam, pay a tax or die? what do you think of that? >> this is simply false.
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it didn't happen. the muslims in the islamic state -- >> it absolutely happened. >> the muslims in this -- >> they've been chased out of their homes. obviouslyç it's a simple question. >> can i answer the question without interruption? >> come on. go ahead. do you support convert or die? >> what you're talking about is complete falsehood. first of all the yazidis who went to the mountain, went to
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the mown dane even before the islamic -- first of all, they said there were 40,000, then they said there were 20,000 and then they said they were a couple hundred and living in the mountains any way in villages. so this sa complete pack of lies in order to demonize and vilify the islamic state. there's nothing called isis anymore. first of all christians curing >> you're writing your own history. >> you're being honest. >> not us. >> the fact is that -- >> you'll do a show, i'll be a guest on your show. >> tortured people over ten years they're still there. >> that is right. they're called terrorists. >> by the way, by the way. . >> i would take you, i would take you, i will take you and take all of your friends and the
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guy that beheaded this photo journalist. i give you an answer. i'll say it in your mosques. i will tell you. listen closely to the answer. if you shut up, i'll give you an answer. listen. i will take every terrorist like you -- >> what about your drones? >> let me answer. >> with your drones and vacuum bombs the destruction you find in iraq were the ones you dropped yourself. >> the world is going to wake up to what i would say. and ery radical islamist like you will be wiped off the face of the earth. you have no respect for innocent human life. you're radical you want your religion or no religion. >> yes. yes. >> you support hezbollah, al kwaeda. you once said about september 11th you were clear you're on team bin laden. not team obama. sou supported what happened on september 11th and ed it was a
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good thing. i just want america to have an opportunity to see you for who you are. you're the enemy of free people. >> i'm the enemy? >> and innocent people. you support terror. that makes you an enemy of freedom. i don't want shaira law. >> so you're threatening to come get me? is that what you're say something >> i'm saying sharia will be implemented in the whole world. >> that is what you want? you answered my question. >> you want a world wide islamic kalife? >> of course we do. promised by the message of mohammed. >> and infidels goodbye? >> you will be liberated. >> i don't want to be liberated by islam. i don't want your religion.
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i believe in womens' rights and freedom. >> prostitution, gambling. >> your version of morality is cutting people's heads off you don't agree w >> oh, really? how many times with your drones? >> i don't chop a photo journalist heads off. saying that is a good thing how to pay back people you disagree with. you support murder, and terror. and bin laden. >> you're world killing children in gaza is self-defense, isn't it? >> coming up, this special edition of "hannity" continues, please stay with us. hey pal? you ready? ♪ can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... life can be hard, buddy.
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it's a topic we take seriously on this program. we'll continue to shed light on one of the very dangerous situations, even perilous in parts of the world, though others won't. thanks for joining us. have a good night. o'reilly factor is on, tonight. >> it's the watters world political edition. >> bill o'reilly has a quick question for you, you said you would do an interview with hill. in fact, you said you would do an interview in your office. >> yeah. -- >> congratulations. >> how do americans grade the president of the united states right now? >> 6 or 7. >> about 6 or 7. >> are we engaged on what's going on in the world? >> do you think that's a good idea? >> i think it's all about free choice. >> what do you think, carl? >> i think -- i don't know. no comment. >> how do young people view this great nation? >> liberals don't vote. they don't get [bleep] done. idealism doesn't work unless you work hard a